Just running

Running Diaries: 28/12/2021

Saral Karki


My last few runs have been about just getting the runs in. I am not bothered by the speed or the distance (should be 5k or more). The idea is to run and enjoy the runs. I have been finding it difficult to wake up in the mornings and run, therefore, most of the runnings have happened in the evenings or a bit later in the mornings than usual. Today though I ended up running two times..

Today’s Goal:

When I woke up in the morning today, I had no idea that I would be going for a run. The cold winter mornings have made it difficult to wake up early enough to go on a run. I do, however, want to run at least 100 kilometres this month as well as I have done for the last four months. And because I have struggled with waking up, I had only managed 62 Kilometres. I still had around 38 to go, and time is running out.

I, therefore, decided to go for a run this morning. The goal was to set up and see how much I could run. 5 kilometres was a bare minimum. Anything above that — I would take it. I knew I had to run in traffic, so there was no way I could run fast. I would need to be watchful of the incoming traffic so slow and steady was the name of the game.

How did the run feel?

Overall the run felt great. I did take a bit of time to warm up but by the third kilometre, I felt like I had a tentative route I wanted to take and had a clue that it would be around 10 kilometres or so. Running with the traffic was frustrating at times, because, they would impede and obstruct my running. However, I did not want to get upset or seem annoyed. I was running at peak office hours so what was I to expect. I was happy to keep on running. I felt good once the run was done. It had been five days since my last run, and it definitely felt good to have done another 10k. As I finished my run and was walking home, I thought — “I think I can squeeze in another run in the evening”.

As I felt I could handle it, I ran a 5k in the evening. Taking my tally for the day to 15 kilometres and 77 km of the 100km done. Both the morning and evening runs were done at an easy pace, and I intend to do a short run tomorrow before completing the year with a half-marathon distance.

Overall Pace:

Both of today’s runs were at a much slower pace as I was running with the traffic. I had to often stop to cross the road or run slow to give way to incoming traffic.

Final words:

Overall, I feel satisfied that I was able to run today. I feel stoked that I was able to squeeze in two running sessions today. And I am glad to be getting closer to the 100KM for the month. This is one target that I do not want to miss. For the past four months I have remained consistent and reached the target. And if I let this one slide, then it won’t be long before I stop running again.

“Keep Moving”

